6988199169 Gr. Lambraki 25, Evosmos, Thessaloniki infotheskillfactory@gmail.com
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The Skill Factory - Calisthenics - Crosstraining - Acrobatics - Functional - Aerial - Gymnastics Kids



The Skill Factory is a modern gym in Thessaloniki specializing in Calisthenics. With an experienced team of trainers, The Skill Factory offers its clients modern fitness techniques designed to improve body strength, flexibility and endurance.

Calisthenics is a form of exercise that uses body weight to strengthen muscles and improve physical condition. The Skill Factory trainers are specialized in Calisthenics and can design individual training programs that adapt to the needs and capabilities of each client.

In addition to Calisthenics, The Skill Factory coaches specialize in a multitude of sports and fitness disciplines including Acrobatics, Aerials, Flexibility, Cross-training, Gymnastic kids, General Gymnastics, Strength, Instrumental and orthosomic gymnastics, Injury Rehabilitation and Competition preparation.